ELASA aastakohtumine Ungaris

24.augustil - 5. septembril 2008 toimub Ungaris järjekordne Euroopa maastikuarhitektuuri-tudengite aastakohtumine ehk ELASA Annual Meeting, kuhu on oodatud ka EMÜSi esindajad. Nagu te ehk mäletate, on EMÜSi liikmed korraldanud ELASA kohtumisi ka Eestis - 2000. ning 2007. aastal. Ungari kohtumisest loe täpsemalt korraldajate kutsest...

Dear Elasians!

We are proudly presenting, the 2008. ELASA Annual Meeting at HUNGARY. This year's ELASA conference is going to take place between the 24th of August and the 5th of September. The title of the event is NOMAD-NO_MADE LANDSCAPE.

To keep with the conference theme, the journey will start in the Puszta (the famous bleak landscape of Hungary) and finish in the capital city of Budapest.


The time of application starts on 30. 06. 2008. From each country we are waiting for 4 participants. If we have some remaining places fill them up students from different countries. Be the first applicant to assure your place at the meeting! You can find detailed information on our web-page: www.elasa2008.hu

Questions, opinions and ideas about the conference will be welcome on elasa08@yahoo.com.


Best regards,

ELASA 2008 Hungarian Organizer Team

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Henn Kes EMÜS-ist lähevad? Jun 03, 2008

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Alhaji Musa
Aug 20, 2022